Wednesday, October 29, 2008

10 Larangan Bercinta Dgn Suami Org

Seorang lelaki yang tidak bahagia dalam rumah tangganya akan pasti terasa amat gembira dengan kehadiran kamu apatah lagi dia terasa dirinya diberi sepenuh perhatian yang mungkin tidak diperoleh dari isterinya sendiri. Pasti saban masa dia akan melahirkan rasa bahagianya berada di sisi kamu. Ini mungkin kelihatan seperti komitmen terhadap masa depan kamu. Tapi, percayalah itu hanyalah kata-kata manis sekadar untuk mendapatkan cinta kamu saja!

Sikapnya yang tak jujur terhadap isterinya sendiri sudah cukup untuk dijadikan bukti jelas kepada kamu sikap sebenar si dia yang tak jujur. Dia sanggup mencari hiburan di luar rumah apabila mendapati ada masalah atau perkara yang tidak memuaskan hatinya di rumah, tanpa cuba untuk mengatasi masalah itu. Tambahan pula, kamu menjadi punca sebenar si dia menipu kepada isterinya. Ingat, si dia mungkin akan mengulangi sikap menipu ini terhadap kamu apabila kamu berdua menghadapi masalah dalam perhubungan kamu kelak.

Merahsiakan sesebuah perhubungan itu sememangnya suatu perkara yang meletihkan. Melibatkan diri di dalam perhubungan sulit seperti ini akan membuatkan kamu kehilangan keyakinan diri kerana kamu akan ketinggalan dalam pelbagai aspek perhubungan yang indah. Kamu tidak boleh berjalan berdua-duaan dengan bebas dan bangga. Ini kerana kamu akan sentiasa diselubungi oleh perasaan takut dan bimbang. Takut orang lain terlihat kamu berdua-duaan lalu mengadu kepada isteri si dia. Mati kamu kena serang!

Apa yang dimaksudkan di sini, dia dianggap lebih bertuah dalam masa yang sama tetap mempunyai sebuah keluarga yang akan tetap menyayanginya. Sebaliknya dalam diam kamu pula yang mengalami "kerugian" kerana terpaksa berkongsi kasih dengan keluarganya yang sah. Bayangkan, kamu tidak boleh menemaninya ke majlis-majlis formal kerana sudah pasti dia akan membawa isterinya. Kamu hanyalah sebagai teman di kala ingin mengubat kesunyian atau mencari hiburan jika ada masalah di rumah saja! Kamu kena ingat, mereka boleh berkahwin lebih daripada empat!

Persoalannya, apakah kamu masih sanggup menersukan perhubungan dengan seorang lelaki yang tidak jujur dan tidak hormat kepada isterinya? Dengan menjalinkan perhubungan secara sulit dengan kamu sudah jelas menunjukkan bahawa dia menganggap perempuan mudah untuk dipikat dan diperlakukan sewenang-wenangnya. Jika dia benar-benar menyayangi dan jujur dengan isterinya, sudah pasti dia sanggup berterus-terang. Alasan untuk tidak melukai hati isterinya bukannya alasan yang kukuh memandangkan dia sememangnya sudah melukai hati isterinya di saat dia menjalinkan hubungan dengan wanita lain!

Jangan terkejut! Walaupun dia yang jatuh cinta pada kamu dan menarik minat kamu, di dalam hati lelakinya dia pasti akan pandang rendah terhadap wanita seperti kamu yang mudah terpedaya dengan kata-kata lelaki sepertinya. Siapa tahu, mungkin pada awalnya dia sekadar nak "test market" saja. Tak sangka pula kamu benar-benar terpikat. Lelaki pula, mana yang sanggup menolak tuah kan? Dalam keadaan seperti inilah yang selalunya akan timbul soal dipermainkan.

Ingat ! Sebagai wanita, kamu seharusnya lebih memahami perasaan dan naluri kaum sejenis kamu. Dengan menjalinkan hubungan dengan suami wanita lain, menunjukkan bahawa kamu tidak menghormati hak kaum kamu sendiri. Bayangkan jika hak kamu diganggu atau cuba dirampas oleh orang lain? Sebaliknya ada pula yang sanggup berkomplot dengan si lelaki untuk menipu isterinya. Ingat, jika hari ini kamu mengambil hak orang lain, tak mustahil orang lain pula akan mengambil hak kamu suatu hari nanti! Renungkan!

Si dia sentiasa mengucapkan kata-kata manis pada kamu tetapi masih tidak menamatkan perhubungannya dengan isterinya dan pada masa yang sama masih tidak memulakan perhubungan yang sah dengan kamu. Inilah yang dikatakan sebagai "Action that speak louder than words" (pandai cakap tapi buatnya tidak!)

Kebanyakan orang tak kira sama ada wanita tau lelaki mempunyai sikap sukar untuk bertanggungjawab terhadap keputusan dan tindakan yang mereka lakukan secara terburu-buru. Manusia lebih mudah untuk mencari kesalahan orang lain daripada menanggung malu. Jika perbuatan si dia diketahui oleh isterinya atau saudara-mara, jangan terkejut jika dia menyalahkan kamu lalu membuatkan kamu terpaksa menanggung segala derita. Haiiiii Kasih ke mana, sayang ke mana. Tinggal kamu seorang yang menderita !

Hubungan dengan lelaki yang telah berkahwin boleh berlanjutan selama beberapa tahun. Sedar tak sedar, usia kamu semakin meningkat. Apabila kamu sudah tua baru kamu sedar yang kamu terjerat dan tak boleh melarikan diri lagi. Jika boleh melarikan diri pun, kamu sudah tidak tahu apa yang patut kamu lakukan. Terasa begitu lama kamu mempersiakan zaman muda kamu menjalinkan hubungan yang TAK BERMAKNA!

copy and paste from :

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Vokalis Rabbani Di UMP

Pada hari jumaat yang lepas iaitu pada 24 Oktober 2008, pihak UMP telah menganjurkan satu forum yang bertajuk "Mencari Kebahagian" dari pandangan seorang Sufi serta seorang selebriti.
2 orang penal yang dijemputkan memiliki personaliti tersendiri. Salah seorang merupakan Pengetua Sekolah Pondok Inabah Kedah, Pak Guru Mohd Zuki As-Sujjak Shafie (berbaju kuning) dan seorang lagi merupakan vokalis kumpulan Rabbani yang terkenal iaitu, Ustaz Asri (berbaju ungu).

Antara topik yang dibincangkan ialah berkaitan dengan berhibur serta ianya dikaitkan juga dengan kebahagian.Pada sesi pertama, Pak guru lebih menekankan kepada soal iman. Iman itu terisi di dalam hati kita, ianya perlulah sentiasa dibersihkan dan disinarkan. Seperti mana kita membersihkan diri kita sendiri. Tiada makhluk yang lahir dalam keadaan bersih iaitu dilahirkan dengan keadaan yang berlumuran darah. Oleh itu, ianya perlulah dibersihkan dan disucikan lalu perlu juga dilaungkan suara2 azan ataupun iqamat. Tetapi secara hakikatnya, bayi yang baru lahir itu adalah suci dari sebarang dosa.

Sewaktu bercakap juga, lafazkanlah perkataan yang baik-baik sahaja. Selalu lah juga melafazkan nama-nama Allah yang sememangnya bermaksud baik-baik belaka. Agar kita sentiasa mengingati Allah s.w.t.

Seterusnya, ustaz Asri pula menekan kepada soal berhibur. Berhibur itu tidak lah salah. Islam mengharuskan berhibur dalam kehidupan manusia. Hukumnya sama seperti hukum makan dan minum. Makan dan minumlah sesuka hati kamu selagi ianya tidak melampaui batas. Maka, begitu juga dengan soal berhibur, berhiburlah tetapi jangan melampaui batas sehingga boleh melupakan identiti kita yang sebenar serta tujuan kita hidup di dunia yang sementera ini. Bagi ustaz Asri, ini merupakan pengalamannya yang kedua dalam melibatkan diri dengan forum. Namun, para jemaah yang hadir tergaman seketika apabila Ustaz Asri melaungkan suara yang merdu sekali.
Potongan ayat-ayat al-Quran yang dibacanya juga beralukan suara dan rentak yang amat merdu.

Selepas tamat nya forum ini, para jemaah juga dihiburkan dengan satu persembahan oleh Ustaz Asri iaitu lagu yang diilhamkan oleh Amy Search dimana dia mendapat idea untuk lagu ini sewaktu berada di Mekah. Semoga dimasa yang akan datang, diharapkan kita dapat lagi bertemu dengan seorang selebriti yang berdakwah dengan suaranya yang amat merdu serta seorang tokoh yang berpengalaman, Pak Guru Zuki.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Raya Celebration In UMP

At 23 October 2008, Universiti Malaysia Pahang has proposed the open house for all ump student to celeb together of Aidilfiri month. The agenda had been held from 10 am - 1 pm at Kompleks Sukan UMP.

Types of food that was served on that day is nasi beriani, cendol, lemang, aiskrim and many more. I ensure that, if u come to this open house, u will back home by dragging on slowly. Too many food have to eat. Also u can hear the song, hari raya song while you are eating or talking to each others.

For me, this open house was very grand. With the present of many student, staff and lecturer make this agenda as memoriable moment.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dealer Should Reduces The Prices of Product

If no unexpected matter happen for world oil price, then within a few today Malaysians will get more price drop for the fuel.

Like a blessing when global oil prices fall dramatically latterly, enable the government reduce more retail petrol prices and diesel within the near future.

After the fuel prices raise last time to 5 June goes, already three times oil price reduce. And if aspiration of the people am being heard, likely retail price petrol and diesel in the country will be relegated to multiply fourth.

After three times the fuel price reduces, then people starting to see the reducing of dealer product prices.

But it not overall happen, perhaps just in several hypermarket and premises located in urban.

How about the needs of the people in the rural and different area to get cheaper prices. This matter should be considered by the party government and business association that play fair to all users.

Price drop that happens in certain premise after being urged by the government and the public, do not just to flaunt.

And more important is, we urge this is the time for traders all types of businesses so that reducing their trade prices.

If not, when they will reduce selling price whereas decline oil price had happened as many as three times within four passed month.

Actually government and consumer don't have to appeal to the dealer.But, themselves should realize and be responsibility to reduce the prices without urging from the government and the public.

Dealer can't give any reason and trick for not lowering the prices.

If during increase the prices, the gave the reason because happen oil price increase, but how about now? With present situation after oil price reduce some time

No benefit if dealer still with greedy attitude. If they can increase selling price like a shot, then to lower it again should not require force and surveillance from the authorities also.

Now shall be time for the manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor and retailer together compassionate with the people have to tie their stomach because the high prices.

Hopely, when retail price of petrol and diesel are decline to multiply fourth announced, it will being followed with the response goods and service price drop.

We believe that dealer will not suffer losses if reduce consumer need prices.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Booth Presentation

Yesterday is our booth presentation where each group needs to promote their product. They have to be detailed explanation in making attractive technical description. You can see the pictures where the student takes their place and try to set up their booth.

This project gives us more value in going to be work together and improving speech skills.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Manifesto Nite In UMP

Picture is not too clear because the camera was in night mode. So, it need more light to be more sharping. Anyway, this is manifesto for student for the election to be MPP (Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar).

The Manifesto was located At Payung Putih nearby with cafeteria.

Hopely, they can fulfill their promise in going to be a leader of student.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sultan Ahmad Shah State Mosque In Kuantan

It was constructed between 1991 and 1993 by DZJ Architect and Associates. When it was completed, it faced numerous problems including water leaking from the roof but was eventually repaired.

The second picture was taken from back view and not enough time for me to capture the picture from inside.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Herb Combination Control Sugar Level Increase

Diabetes during pregnancy call gestational diabetes. It believed happened change of hormone level result also give effect to sensitivity insulin for glucose.

Diabetes during customary pregnancy could return normal after birth. A mother ever experienced diabetes during pregnancy should be taken the step more alert since them more risky to suffer diabetes, especially diabetes second type to in future.

Herb can help tackle sugar imbalance. Among herb study give positive effect in sugar control in the blood include Gymnema, Fenugreek (fenugreek), Holy germ and Bitter melon (bitter gourd).

Gymnema help reduce inside the body absorption of sugar and prevent glucose transportation. Research showed gymnema also help raise insulin production.

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is herb that grows in the area Mediterranean and Asia that having seed aroma.

Fenugreek employes as spice in cooking also is certified can control in the blood sugar level. On the study his effectiveness have been published in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Bitter melon's herb (Momordica charantia) help reduce the rate intestinal tract deep glucose absorption. Much research including study published in American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy in the year 2003, show this herb have the effect hypoglycaemia (in the blood low sugar level).

Holy germ (Ocimum sanctum) help improve glucose peripheral use and enhance insulin production. Study published in Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics indicates Holy Basil decreases blood sugar level.

Combination recruitment this herbs give effect deep synergistic blood sugar level control.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Richard Garriot - Sixth Space Tourist

RICHARD Garriot who is the son to famous astronaut United States, Owen Garriot have sketched history when become ordinary people sixth explore outer space go through International Space Station (ISS).

He is a millionaire and game designer video prominent world taken the decision to deepen world of science besides inculcating interest for especially youth student through his travel .

Hence, his main mission is to study and bail new experience on the world exploration of outer space simultaneously communicate amateur via radio to share the experience with plenty student in the worldwide.

Richard explains, day event and night change as many as 16 times because ISS spines surround orbit.

“I just wipe body only supply purpose cleanse the body during was in ISS,” he said.

Apart from that, Garriot comply said, sun size which is seen from ISS is the same as see him from surface of the earth but it seemed brighter if seen from ISS.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Woman Need For Calcium.

Outcome of the research finding with Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Universiti Otago, New Zealand indicates most women in Malaysia getting less than 50 percent total calcium suggested to bone health.

Low calcium intake make among factor key risk that contribute to happened disease osteoporosis that means 'porous bone'.

In conjunction with Hari Osteoporosis Sedunia's celebration on 20th of October , Malaysian women remind to look after their bone health supply avoiding osteoporosis.

Ortopedik's expert and Trauma's expert, Dr. Chin Chee Howe inform that high resource calcium come from dairy product as fresh milk, cheese and yogurt. However, dairy product involve rare to be among staple diet people in this country.

“Osteoporosis is a form of the disease 'silent' and serious. Most women only knew design suffer it after experiencing crack or broken bones.

“Human bone health decline on staggered method and gradually from 30s age. Yet, it it not yet delayed to start look after your bone health,” he said.

Osteoporosis not it a form of the disease can be cured but it preventable. Crack or break aitch bone were among those most common occur among sufferer osteoporosis.

It almost assured will bring to entry ward and also can be fatal in one from each five (20 percent) case break aitch bone.

Among 30 to 50 percent more (break aitch bone) likely large experience permanent disability will disturb their daily movement soon.

Although many occur among woman, does not mean sheltered man from osteoporosis. Yet, man have the inside track give more protection from stated disease where most guys undergo active lifestyle and inherently have bone mass more higher compared woman.

Impact osteoporosis in Asia expected to increase with over statistics 50 percentage of occurrence crack or break world aitch bone will happen in this region near 2050.

Therefore, Asian population, especially women, suggested to get daily calcium (among 800 to 1,000 milligram) by other essential nutrient as proteins, zinc, magnesium and vitamin D required to maintain healthy and strong bone.

A glass high calcium milk containing 500 milligram (mg) calcium and two stated glass of milk enough to supply total calcium suggested daily.

In conjunction Hari Osteoporosis Sedunia, Anlene will organise programme free bone examination in several location from o'clock 10 morning to 10 night, 21st of October to 2nd of November 2008.

The public are advised to take this opportunity to conduct screening bone health to assess bone mass risk of deterioration.

An expert nutrition will also help advise refer bone health survey results stated by diet advice suitable for bones upstanding.

Free Bone Examination Programme by Anlene will be held in accordance with following table:

26th of October 2008
Star (Bangi), Pacific (Megamall Propose), Prai (Penang), Maslee Tampoi, Pontian (Johore).

31st of October - 2nd Of November 2008
The Store Pandan Capital, Pandan Beautiful (KL), Giant (Farmer River), Giant, Skudai (Johore).

Sources :

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hubble Snaps Close-up Views of Diverse Galaxies

These images taken with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope are close-up views of four galaxies from a large survey of nearby galaxies.

The galaxies have very different masses and sizes and showcase the diversity of galaxies found in the ANGST study. Although the galaxies are separated by many light-years, they are presented as if they are all at the same distance to show their relative sizes.

The images, taken with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys, reveal rich detail in the stellar populations and in the interstellar dust scattered between the stars. Hubble's sharp views reveal the colors and brightnesses of individual stars, which astronomers used to derive the history of star formation in each galaxy.

In the composite image at the top, NGC 253 is ablaze with the light from thousands of young, blue stars. The spiral galaxy is undergoing intense star formation. The image demonstrates the sharp "eye" of the Advanced Camera, which resolved individual stars. The dark filaments are clouds of dust and gas. NGC 253 is the dominant galaxy in the Sculptor Group of galaxies and it resides about 13 million light-years from Earth.

In the view of the spiral galaxy NGC 300, second from top, young, blue stars are concentrated in spiral arms that sweep diagonally through the image. The yellow blobs are glowing hot gas that has been heated by radiation from the nearest young, blue stars. NGC 300 is a member of the Sculptor Group of galaxies and it is located 7 million light-years away.

The dark clumps of material scattered around the bright nucleus of NGC 3077, the small, dense galaxy at bottom, left, are pieces of wreckage from the galaxy's interactions with its larger neighbors. NGC 3077 is a member of the M81 group of galaxies and it resides 12.5 million light-years from Earth.

The image at bottom, right, shows a swarm of young, blue stars in the diffuse dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 4163. NGC 4163 is a member of a group of dwarf galaxies near our Milky Way and is located roughly 10 million light-years away.

These galaxies are part of a detailed survey called the ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury program (ANGST). In the census, Hubble observed roughly 14 million stars in 69 galaxies. The survey explored a region called the "Local Volume," and the galaxy distances ranged from 6.5 million light-years to 13 million light-years from Earth. The Local Volume resides beyond the Local Group of galaxies, an even nearer collection of a few dozen galaxies within about 3 million light-years of our Milky Way Galaxy.

The natural-color images were constructed using observations taken in infrared, visible, and blue light. The observations of NGC 253 and NGC 300 were taken in September 2006; of NGC 3077 in November 2006; and of NGC 4163 in December 2006.

Aidilfitri Celebration.

Raya is the day where Muslim people celebrate together with their family. This day also is suitable to ask for apologize.

During the Raya, there was serves several foods like lemang, rendang, ketupat, nasi dagang, sate, laksa, kuih-kuih, lotong, etc.

In the morning, all muslim are invited to go to mosque for having a sunat hari raya praying and hearing the speech from imam.

After that, they are free to do their own activies like asking apologize, duit raya, eating or another good moments.

In that day, we have to still remember for who has gone. We have to visit their grave and send the doa to them.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Aerobics Avoid Senile

ornament only

Aerobics movement, namely exercise need high spirit level, usually become youth choice in their effort to remain healthy and active.

Even so, good news especially for elderly citizen who face with symptoms aging as senile, when new research aired in British Journal of Sports Medicine's latest edition, discover often aerobics training not only avoiding decline of brain function but also help return brain spirit.

Through study report by Drs. Arthur F Kramer and Kirk I Erickson, from University of Illinois Beckman Institute, Urbana, brain function decline caused year increase make executive duties as planning, works need someone think and remember something and implement various one time inside work, become more difficult.

However, a important research to over the body show these tasks is the process very closely related with physical training.

As the individual either have or there was no senile signs or Alzheimer, often but medium physical activity and enough to improve heart-beats, proven not only capable make more nimble mind and sharp, even increase the number brain tissue simultaneously enhance brain function.

For example, in the study for six months those undertaken by Kramer and his friends, shows that elderly citizen years old among 60 to 75 year who exercise by walking during 45 minute one day three times a week not only increase physical activity level even mental especially capacity to commit executive duties, over with the group who would only do exercise not aerobics as stretch and others.

Results of this study indicate that often and medium aerobics training can reduce cognitive ability decline year increase result and brain further maintain his capacity to develop although in old age.

Other research also found that, more active elderly citizen physically it proven less experienced decline signs brain capacity over their partner those less active physically.

"Host of questions still not yet answered contact effect exercise for brain. However, we believe that active lifestyle with medium activity aerobics will increase cognitive and brain function. It also reduce nerve capacity reduction used to be seen to old people," said Kramer and Erikson. - Reuters

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Powering More Than One Language.

Issue of English is not really new matter in our country. Only distinguish that is issue relation BI with the political situation and social during. If in the era before independence, BI's issue more converging to faith belief and religion sentiment with us at that time still being shackled colonial power Anglo. Until there are parties to issue the fatwa to anyone who learn in current school BI is infidel instead of Malay more.

Malay language and Malaysian overpowering his link with one another. Of course there have good and vice. Quality language since it show identity strength and nationalism an ethnic.

Strong people attribute to custom and ceremony ennoble Malay language, had a positive effect that is specially strong once. Until could be defined anyone insult Malay language will be resisted and criticize with specially strong and solid once.

Although currently have been excitedly said BI's use in subject Mathematics and the Science already converged to the deterioration of that subject in achievement for pupil who sat in Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), we no should be quick 'malatah' with demanded the government study again the education policy to make compulsory mathematics subject and science being thought in English language.

With the word harder more, they want government withdrew learning the subject in English language and gets back to the original namely educated in Malay. Undeniably exist a quick spirit despair in heart and mind a few Malay.

Attitude and nature result of Malaysian are lazy to read and pursuit of knowledge cause issue English language becomes student achievement main cause decline. Whereas the policy is over to control other language to student that generation can be further separate above one language especially Malaysian.

If we already have basic of English language in Mathematics and science, greatly facilitates our child to go much farther to learning pure science and technology because this two basic technology subject knowledge are very little in reference material of Malay.

That is dreamed by us all for produce race generation high knowledgeable of Malaysian to compete global market with.

Malay politicians who said wants English for Science subject and Mathematics being re-studied must emphasis so detailed to find weakness reason but not eliminate it.

Malaysian should envying for oneself as only us alone have the skill to control one language over with the other ethnic in the country. Chinese community and Indian mostly can control bilingual namely Malay and Tamil or Mandarin.
