Friday, October 10, 2008

Richard Garriot - Sixth Space Tourist

RICHARD Garriot who is the son to famous astronaut United States, Owen Garriot have sketched history when become ordinary people sixth explore outer space go through International Space Station (ISS).

He is a millionaire and game designer video prominent world taken the decision to deepen world of science besides inculcating interest for especially youth student through his travel .

Hence, his main mission is to study and bail new experience on the world exploration of outer space simultaneously communicate amateur via radio to share the experience with plenty student in the worldwide.

Richard explains, day event and night change as many as 16 times because ISS spines surround orbit.

“I just wipe body only supply purpose cleanse the body during was in ISS,” he said.

Apart from that, Garriot comply said, sun size which is seen from ISS is the same as see him from surface of the earth but it seemed brighter if seen from ISS.

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